A Baby's Chronicle

If you made it here, it's because you know the news. But to make it completely clear, yes we're expecting. After five years of been a couple, we decided it was time to expand the family. Like a lot of you may imagine, this was a product of our last trip to Europe, but that was our plan since the beginning.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ana Camila 3D

In a blink of an eye, it has been 28 weeks already. Also, Rosalyn's belly keeps growing. This has been a busy month for both parents to be. Rosalyn spent some days in Utah in a conference. We spent Halloween between Ocean City (Maryland) and New York. And on Halloween, we went to "Live with Regis & Kelly" and to "The View". I started a new job. Also we celebrated my birthday, the crib came, and we went to a gala from my work, all in the same weekend. Last week, we had a 3D/4D ultrasound, which we enjoyed enormously. It was impressive to see the pictures and video. Today we had the doctor's appointment and everything is Ok, also Ana Camila misbehave and kicked the doctor when she was checking Rosalyn's belly.


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