A Baby's Chronicle

If you made it here, it's because you know the news. But to make it completely clear, yes we're expecting. After five years of been a couple, we decided it was time to expand the family. Like a lot of you may imagine, this was a product of our last trip to Europe, but that was our plan since the beginning.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In any moment...

After enjoying the Holidays with family and friends, the past few weeks have been dedicated to prepare for Ana Camila's arrival. The room is complete (thanks to Jose), the suitcase is ready and the grandparents are desparate. The digital and the video camera are both packed and charged in the suitcase. Last Friday, we went to the Ob and she told us that Rosalyn is not even dilated, but that same night she started with contractions. The poor mom-to-be barely can sleep at night and is always tired. At least we got baby showers in each others workplace, and we are really greatful for all the attentions. Today, we had another appointment and again Rosalyn is not dilated, so far with have another appointment next week. Well, maybe this is the last update before the big day, we would like to have the postal address of everybody in order to send the "birth annoucement". This time we have pictures from the Holidays, the showers, and the room (including a video that I did testing the camera).

Holidays (A lot of it)

The Room

CHOP's Shower

SSAL's Shower

Room's Video

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Winter is here

Winter is already here and Ana Camila seems to want to celebrate also. She has been kicking hard for the last few days everytime we're watching TV. We're very excited that in less than 2 months, she will be with us. In PR we had our Baby Shower around Thanksgiving, and we enjoyed spending the time with the family. We want to thank all of you who spent that day with us and gave us advice about parenting and life.. These past weeks have been very exciting. Every time we come home there is a new gift from the Baby Shower. Her room is getting full and soon we will finish the decoration. Rosalyn developed another rash but the OB told us that it doesn't have more complications than itching. Below are the links for the pictures of the Baby Shower and the Christmas tree with the first snow storm.

Baby Shower

Christmas Tree and Snow

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ana Camila 3D

In a blink of an eye, it has been 28 weeks already. Also, Rosalyn's belly keeps growing. This has been a busy month for both parents to be. Rosalyn spent some days in Utah in a conference. We spent Halloween between Ocean City (Maryland) and New York. And on Halloween, we went to "Live with Regis & Kelly" and to "The View". I started a new job. Also we celebrated my birthday, the crib came, and we went to a gala from my work, all in the same weekend. Last week, we had a 3D/4D ultrasound, which we enjoyed enormously. It was impressive to see the pictures and video. Today we had the doctor's appointment and everything is Ok, also Ana Camila misbehave and kicked the doctor when she was checking Rosalyn's belly.

Monday, October 17, 2005

6 months and counting...

The belly keeps getting bigger and Ana Camila keeps kicking to let us know she wants to get out. She, after 3 ultrasounds, let us know that a little princess is on the way. We started preparing the baby's room, the crib was ordered and the stroller decided. The clothing keeps coming and the grandmas keep planning what they are going to do when the baby comes. This past month we visited Vancouver for a conference. The trip was great and we had fun, but mommy had a rough time dealing with the airplane trip. Today we had our monthly appointment and everything is going well. We also got to listen to the heartbeats again. We thank God that we have had a good pregnancy so far and we can hardly wait a few more months to see the baby.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Official Ultrasound

This past month has been a good one. We celebrated Rosalyn's birthday and what a better excuse to go to Puerto Rico. Finally, everybody was able to see Rosalyn's pregnant belly, which seemed to have grown bigger for the trip. You have no idea how many pink clothes Ana Camila already has, to the point that we went to Puerto Rico with 2 suitcases and returned with 4. Last Tuesday, we started feeling her moving, and last Saturday she kicked me in the hand to make sure I was aware that she was there. Now we watch TV with a hand on the belly to enjoy every movement. This past weekend was star struck, thanks to Emanoel that sneaked us backstage to spent a few minutes with Chayanne and watch Alejandro Fernandez, Marc Anthony, and Jennifer Lopez. Today we had our appointment and official ultrasound. A new doctor from the practice saw us; and was very quick. We were blessed to know that everything looks good in the US. As a bonus we got a 3D picture of the baby but she refused to let the doctor confirmed that she was a girl, although she showed us with her fingers that she is number one. Now we will start looking for the baby's crib and the rest of the furniture.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's a Girl (Ana Camila)

This weekend we went to New York to visit a couple of friends from college and medical school. Jorge, who is an interventional radiology fellow at Mount Sinai, made an U/S. It's impressive how good the U/S look and how much the baby has grown. After checking that everything was ok with the pregnancy, he checked the sex and it's a girl. Later Madeline, gynecologist, saw the pictures and agreed. Rosalyn was truly happy with the news, this is what she wanted. I'm happy because we all know it's going to be a Daddy's girl. The grandparents and aunts/uncles were also excited as expected. Today was the appointment with the Ob and we pretended we didn't know the sex. This time the appointment was like 5 min long, but at least we heard the heartbeats, and you can also listen to it if you click here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

12 weeks

There has been a few changes this month. The nausea has gotten better in the last 2 weeks, between taking more vitamins (B-1 and B-6, thanks to Madeline), not driving my car (no complains from me), and finishing the first trimester. At least never went more than the nausea. The morning problems weren't the nausea, ,but the hair and the clothes. Although, we haven't gain too much weight (including me), the clothes have decided not to give us any more pounds. And after a few unsuccessful trips to the mall, finally Gap Maternity save the day. The clothes look the same and are the same size. Last Monday, we graduate to the Maternity clothes and Tuesday morning was already better after trying new clothes and having the hair done at the salon. Today was our second Ob visit. I think women should be weighted after the appointment with the doctor. Nobody cares how much weight their gain after hearing/seeing the baby, you only want to go out and talk to everybody about it. Where is the suggestion box? This time was another lady doctor, this group think is better if you see everybody so a "new doctor" is not the one delivering your baby. After the urine sample and waiting for the MD, she came said all the previous labs where Ok and we have the same blood type. She warned us about that the doppler is not as accurate due that we are still early in the pregnancy, but that felt in deaf ears. After a minute of agony without finding the heartbeat (scary!!), she did an ultrasound. Let me tell you, that was awesome. We watched the baby move around, wave us and all his parts, except the sex because is too early. That was very fullfilling. Below are the pictures and Thanks for "coming"