A Baby's Chronicle

If you made it here, it's because you know the news. But to make it completely clear, yes we're expecting. After five years of been a couple, we decided it was time to expand the family. Like a lot of you may imagine, this was a product of our last trip to Europe, but that was our plan since the beginning.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In any moment...

After enjoying the Holidays with family and friends, the past few weeks have been dedicated to prepare for Ana Camila's arrival. The room is complete (thanks to Jose), the suitcase is ready and the grandparents are desparate. The digital and the video camera are both packed and charged in the suitcase. Last Friday, we went to the Ob and she told us that Rosalyn is not even dilated, but that same night she started with contractions. The poor mom-to-be barely can sleep at night and is always tired. At least we got baby showers in each others workplace, and we are really greatful for all the attentions. Today, we had another appointment and again Rosalyn is not dilated, so far with have another appointment next week. Well, maybe this is the last update before the big day, we would like to have the postal address of everybody in order to send the "birth annoucement". This time we have pictures from the Holidays, the showers, and the room (including a video that I did testing the camera).

Holidays (A lot of it)

The Room

CHOP's Shower

SSAL's Shower

Room's Video


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