A Baby's Chronicle

If you made it here, it's because you know the news. But to make it completely clear, yes we're expecting. After five years of been a couple, we decided it was time to expand the family. Like a lot of you may imagine, this was a product of our last trip to Europe, but that was our plan since the beginning.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Official Ultrasound

This past month has been a good one. We celebrated Rosalyn's birthday and what a better excuse to go to Puerto Rico. Finally, everybody was able to see Rosalyn's pregnant belly, which seemed to have grown bigger for the trip. You have no idea how many pink clothes Ana Camila already has, to the point that we went to Puerto Rico with 2 suitcases and returned with 4. Last Tuesday, we started feeling her moving, and last Saturday she kicked me in the hand to make sure I was aware that she was there. Now we watch TV with a hand on the belly to enjoy every movement. This past weekend was star struck, thanks to Emanoel that sneaked us backstage to spent a few minutes with Chayanne and watch Alejandro Fernandez, Marc Anthony, and Jennifer Lopez. Today we had our appointment and official ultrasound. A new doctor from the practice saw us; and was very quick. We were blessed to know that everything looks good in the US. As a bonus we got a 3D picture of the baby but she refused to let the doctor confirmed that she was a girl, although she showed us with her fingers that she is number one. Now we will start looking for the baby's crib and the rest of the furniture.